环境科学理学硕士 & 工程

环境科学理学硕士 & 工程


Mitigating the effects of climate change and the human impact on the environment is a collective, 全球的努力. As more companies and organizations seek to be part of the solution, they require professionals who have the technical expertise and sociopolitical knowledge to tackle today's urgent environmental challenges. 环境科学硕士学位 & 工程 can make you a competitive candidate in this growing job market and strengthen your application for doctorate programs in the field. 

为什么要攻读环境科学硕士学位 & esball国际平台客户端工程系毕业?

通过 可持续环境研究所他获得了环境科学硕士学位 & engineering at Clarkson is interdisciplinary, collaborative and research intensive. 我们被认为是 在美国排名前50位的项目.S. esball国际app & 世界报道, thanks to our rigorous curriculum and world-class opportunities.

的 degree can be completed in as little as one-and-a-half years and is designed to suit your goals. Work closely with our nationally recognized faculty to develop your own theme of study or an area of specialization. Our classes encourage teamwork and a solution-based focus for real-world challenges.

As a student, you have access to incredible resources like our award-winning Parker 职业中心, or you can tap into our extensive alumni network to help advance your career. 


环境科学硕士学位 & 工程学包括30个学时. Courses are distributed between at least 18 credit hours of graduate coursework, two credit hours of a seminar and at least six credit hours of thesis research (or four credit hours toward a project).

环境科学 & 工程硕士

硕士候选人必须完成30个学分, including 2 credits of seminar; and at least 6 credits of research (or 4 credits towards a Project).  此外,硕士候选人必须参加:

  • ev532(风险分析)
  • POL 570(环境政策)或POL 571(能源政策)
  • CE 586 (Industrial Ecology) or CE 582 (Environmental Systems Analysis & 设计)
  • Three (3) additional electives (9 credits) following a selected “的me”
  • At least three (3) of the above set of courses must be 工程 courses
  • 完成论文或项目的选择

建议选修环境科学 & 工程主题

Choose your electives according to your research interests and through the guidance of your advisor. 建议的主题包括:

  • 空气质素及环境评估
  • 工程与政策
  • 环境化学
  • 环境质素及处理
  • 可持续发展系统


  • CE577(大气化学)
  • CM532 (Particle Size Analysis in Dispersions and Other Colloids)
  • CM552(气溶胶化学)
  • EHS505(方法与分析)
  • CE533(人体暴露分析)


  • EC660(环境经济)
  • POL571(能源政策)
  • CE586(工业生态)
  • EV536 (全球 Climate Change: Science, 工程, and Policy)
  • ANTH570(环境、技术与社会)
  • POL592(环境政治理论)
  • POL575(环境法)


  • BY531 / CE589(湖泊)
  • CE535(地下水水文及地球化学)
  • CE577(大气化学)
  • CE580(环境化学)
  • CM530(胶体和界面)
  • CM532 (Particle Size Analysis in Dispersions and Other Colloids)
  • CM552(气溶胶化学)
  • EHS505(方法与分析)


  • CE579(水及污水处理及设计)
  • 行政主任581(危险废物管理工程)
  • CE584 (Chemodynamics)
  • CE681(环境物理化学过程)
  • 行政主任682(环境及生物过程)


  • BY659(系统生物学)
  • BY520(微生物)
  • BY525生物系统 & 全球环境变化
  • CE586(工业生态)
  • 行政主任534(可持续发展工程)
  • CE569(流域分析)
  • PHIL510(可持续发展理论 & 实践:关键评估)

可持续环境研究所 is a hub for integrated research in environmental solutions across Clarkson. 学生可以使用我们的 caar 设施, 美国电力系统研究中心(Center for Electric Power Systems 研究) 纽约健康水解决方案卓越中心esball国际平台客户端复杂系统科学中心(C3S2)和比肯河流与河口研究所. 的 当前的研究领域 包括清洁空气, 干净的水, 清洁能源, 先进材料, 健康的生态系统, 鼓励循环经济, supporting a healthy planet and sustainable and resilient communities.

A limited number of fully funded research and teaching assistantships and partial-tuition scholarships and stipends are available for qualified full-time students.

Learn more about all of our scholarships and assistantships and how to apply by contacting the 可持续环境研究所's graduate division via email at isegrad@xkj2011.com.


  • 网上申请表格.
  • 的简历.
  • 目的陈述书.
  • 三封推荐信.
  • 官方成绩单.
  • 强烈鼓励GRE考试,但不是必需的.
  • For international applicants, an English proficiency test is required.
    • Minimum test score requirements: TOEFL (80) and TOEFL Essentials (8.5)、雅思(6).5) PTE(56分)或Duolingo英语测试(115分).


Applicants are expected to have completed at least one year of calculus, physics and chemistry; have some background in fluid mechanics and have obtained a BS, BE or equivalent degree from an engineering or science program.

No minimum grade point average (GPA) is required for admission; however, 在一般情况下, 平均绩点大于3分.25 for a BS degree in a related field is expected in combination with a superior record of academic achievement.

Up to 10 credit hours (grade B or better) of graduate work from another institution may be transferred into the program with the approval of the director. GRE是推荐成绩,但不是入学要求.

Clarkson was the university where I wanted to do my MS because I knew all the doors of opportunities that it would open for me for my future. 然而, 我不知道也没有想到它不仅会打开大门, 而是一个充满可能性和机遇的房子. I am so glad that I have highly qualified professors that care about my development as a student, 作为一个专业人士,也作为一个人. Having this support was a key point for my development and achievements in my master's program. 也, 通过这些课程,我可以发展不同的技能, 通过模拟和软件进行研究, 哪些对我的职业发展很重要.

Maeva Teixeira Machado '23 环境科学硕士 & 工程


Professionals with a background in environmental science and engineering are seeing growing demand for their skills and insights. 根据美国.S. 美国劳工统计局 该领域的平均工资为96,820美元. 绿色产业的就业岗位预计也会增加 增长到5% 到2050年占全球GDP的比例.

With your degree, some of the potential roles you may fill include:

  • 农业科学家
  • 空气污染分析员
  • 生态学家
  • 环境顾问
  • 环境工程师
  • 环境卫生官员
  • 环境安全主任
  • 环境专家
  • 环保建筑经理
  • 自然资源经理
  • 水务项目经理
  • 水质科学家


环境科学硕士学位 & 工科毕业生通过以下途径找到工作:

  • MJW公司
  • Quantis
  • 卡耐基梅隆大学
  • 艾奕康科技
  • GHD工程
  • Arcadis


就读环境科学硕士的学生 & 工程项目与ise附属教师密切合作. Learn more about our team, including specialties and backgrounds.



Clarkson is known and lauded for our dedication to sustainability. 我们的主要 可持续发展计划 include working to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions, 保持AASHE可持续发展的黄金跟踪, 评估 & 评级系统™(STARS®)评级,与美国.N.'s sustainable development goals and supporting student-endorsed sustainability projects.

想了解更多,请听Dr. 苏珊的权力, 我们可持续发展环境研究所所长, esball国际平台客户端气候变化的话题, the latest sustainability efforts on campus and the amazing progress Clarkson has made to reduce the University's carbon footprint. 




电子邮件: graduate@xkj2011.com
电话: 518-631-9831

Interested in learning more about the 环境科学硕士 & 工程? Contact the Office of esball国际app招生 today with your questions.

了解更多 可持续环境研究所.



Help make a positive impact on the environment through your own research and independent study. If you see yourself making a difference through Clarkson’s master's program, take the next step.