Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Make an Impact with Your Major

Mechanical engineers make an impact in almost every aspect of modern society. 在我们的世界里,很难想象没有机械工程师参与设计或生产的东西.

As a mechanical engineering major, you can look forward to good job prospects, a high salary and varied work.

Why Major in Mechanical Engineering at Clarkson?

We offer areas of study in machine design, robotics, manufacturing processes, thermodynamics, fluid flow, composite materials and much more. 你可以学习任何东西,从生物力学和残疾人辅助技术到自动化和机器人系统. 你甚至可以了解船舶、潜艇、飞机和航天器的设计.

您将获得与世界一流的教师一起从事项目的实践经验, whose research activities cover a wide range of areas, from optimizing luge sleds for the U.S. Olympic Luge Association to creating the newest ducted wind turbine technology.

As a mechanical engineering graduate, you'll leave Clarkson with the ability to apply principles of engineering, science and mathematics to model, analyze, design and realize physical systems.

What You'll Learn

Mechanical engineering majors can take a range of unique courses, including:

  • Electrical Science
  • Numerical Methods in Engineering with Applications
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Introduction to Engineering Design
  • Introduction to Heat Transfer
  • Materials Science & Engineering
  • Rigid Body Dynamics
  • Strength of Materials
  • Thermodynamics
  • Thermodynamic System Engineering

Clarkson Common Experience

以下课程是所有学生的必修课程,无论他们的学习计划如何. These courses are offered during the fall semester, with FY100 First-Year Seminar being required of only first-year students. FY100和UNIV190通常在esball国际平台客户端第一年的秋季学期进行.

FY100 First-Year Seminar (1 credits)
UNIV190 The Clarkson Seminar (3 credits)

Common First-Year Curricula

所有主修工程学院开设的专业的学生(不包括工程专业) & 管理专业的学生)在第一年学习公共课程的一部分. 因此,学生可以推迟选择一个主要的研究领域,直到大二. Beginning with the junior year, 每门课程都包含了大量的专业材料. In the senior year, coursework is concentrated in the student’s chosen field. 人文和社会科学课程作为esball国际平台客户端共同经验的一部分贯穿整个4年的课程.

During the first year, 在工程学院开设的专业学习的学生(不包括工程) & management majors) must complete the following courses:

  • CM131 General Chemistry I (4 credits)
  • ES100 Introduction to Engineering Use of the Computer (2 credits)
  • ES110 Engineering & Society (3 credits)
  • MA131 Calculus I (3 credits)
  • MA132 Calculus II (3 credits)
  • PH131 Physics I (4 credits)
  • PH132 Physics II

Core Requirements


  • ES220 Statics (3 credits)
  • ES222 Strength of Materials (3 credits)
  • ES223 Rigid Body Dynamics (3 credits)
  • ES250 Electrical Science (3 credits)
  • ES260 Materials Science & Engineering I (3 credits)
  • ES330 Fluid Mechanics (3 credits)
  • ES340 Thermodynamics (3 credits)
  • ES499 Professional Experience 
  • MA231 Calculus III (3 credits)
  • MA232 Elementary Differential Equations (3 credits)
  • MA330 Advanced Engineering Mathematics (3 credits)
  • ME201 Introduction to Experimental Methods in Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (1 credits)
  • ME212 Introduction to Engineering Design (3 credits)
  • ME301 Experimental Methods in Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (1 credits)
  • ME310 Thermodynamic System Engineering (or ME455 Vibrations & Control) (3 credits)
  • ME324 Dynamical Systems (3 credits)
  • ME326 Intermediate Fluid Mechanics (3 credits)
  • ME341 Mechanics of Machine Elements (3 credits)
  • ME401 Advanced Experimental Methods in Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (1 credits)
  • ME411 Introduction to Heat Transfer (3 credits)
  • ME442 Engineering Analysis Using the Finite Element Method (3 credits)
  • ME445 Integrated Design I (3 credits)
  • ME446 Integrated Design II (3 credits)
  • ME455 Mechanical Vibrations & Control (or ME310 Thermodynamic System Engineering) (3 credits)

Core Electives

以下是机械工程专业学生必须完成的选修课. Students must select a 3-credit engineering elective in mechanical engineering, aeronautical engineering or engineering science. Typical courses include ME444 Computer-Aided Engineering (CAD), ME443 Optimal Engineering, ES380 Biomechanics, ME390 Additive Manufacturing or ME429 Welding and Metallurgy.

Professional Electives

This requirement can be satisfied with upper-division courses in mathematics, physics, other engineering disciplines and mechanical engineering (e.g., STAT383 Applied Statistics, MA339 Fourier Series and Boundary-Value Problems).

Knowledge Area/University Course Electives

机械工程专业的学生需要至少15个学分来满足知识领域和/或大学课程的选修要求. This, for mechanical engineering majors, must include ES110 Engineering & Society and a course in economics, such as EC350 Engineering Economics.

Free Electives


esball国际平台客户端的任何本科生都可以与教师专家一起参与实践研究. 机械工程专业本科生的研究经历包括秋季和春季学期的校内研究以及由政府机构或基金会资助的暑期带薪实习. Learn more about research at Clarkson.

Twice a year, 近200家雇主来到校园招聘esball国际平台客户端的本科生进行实习和合作. In Spring 2020, more than 100 companies were looking for mechanical engineers. 许多学生在我们的招聘会上遇到的公司实习或带薪实习,毕业前就得到了全职工作机会. Learn more about co-ops and internships.

我们的本科机械工程师是我们实践活动中最活跃的学生之一, competitive SPEED (Student Projects for Engineering Experience and Design) teams. Any major can join any of our 13 SPEED teams. 机械工程师代表我们部门参加了Baja SAE等多个团队, SAE Clean Snowmobile, Formula SAE/Formula SAE Electric and Human-Powered Vehicle.

你将在200多个学生团体中找到领导机会和终身友谊. Explore all clubs and organizations.

Biomedical Engineering Minor

随着医学和医疗保健的各个领域越来越依赖于技术的进步, 具有生物医学工程原理和生物科学知识的综合专业知识的毕业生将有很高的需求. Learn more about the biomedical engineering minor.

Business Minor

商业辅修提供了广泛的主要业务功能的基础,是一个很好的补充技术专业. Learn more about the business minor.

Electrical Engineering Minor

An electrical engineering minor provides a foundation in energy systems, basic electrical science and digital design. Learn more about the electrical engineering minor.

Manufacturing Engineering Minor

This minor expands your knowledge of manufacturing‐related topics, such as production management, statistical quality control and manufacturing processes. Learn more about the manufacturing engineering minor.

Materials Engineering Minor

对国家基础设施的机械和环境耐久性的要求越来越高,要求提高钢的强度和使用寿命, concrete, ceramics and other engineering/structural materials. Learn more about the materials engineering minor.

Robotics Minor

辅修机器人课程为该领域提供了坚实而连贯的介绍,包括四门必修的核心课程和三门选修课程. Learn more about the robotics minor.

Or Choose From a Range of Other Minors

esball国际平台客户端有广泛的辅修课程、专业课程和专业咨询课程. We'll help you design an education that meets your goals and interests. Learn more about minors, concentrations and tracks.

Mechanical Engineering Student Wins National Grid Scholarship

Syed Bazif, a junior Clarkson mechanical engineering student from Queens Village, NY, was awarded the National Grid “Charging Our Future” DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Engineering Scholarship. He received $10,000 with a paid internship opportunity.



Entry-level mechanical engineering careers can be found in areas such as:

  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Process engineering
  • Project engineering
  • Robotics
  • Technical sales

Clarkson Grad Helps Design New Medical Instruments

Monica Bomze ' 22介绍了一种用于微创腹腔镜手术(MILS)的新仪器的研究. 她的研究结果作为会议记录的一部分发表在ASME医疗器械杂志上.

Recent Employers

By applying the problem-solving skills developed at Clarkson, graduates go on to leadership positions across many different industry sectors. 许多机械工程专业的学生也选择继续在esball国际app院学习.



  • Apple
  • Arctic Cat
  • Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
  • General Dynamics Electric Boat
  • General Dynamics Mission Systems
  • General Electric (GE)
  • Global Foundries
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Moog
  • NASA
  • Naval Nuclear Laboratory
  • Norfolk Naval Shipyard
  • Northrup Grumman
  • Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
  • Pratt & Whitney, a Raytheon Technologies Company (RTX)
  • Raytheon Missile Systems
  • Siemens Energy
  • SpaceX
  • Tesla
  • Toyota
  • Universal Theme Park 

Graduate Schools

  • Clarkson University
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Michigan State University
  • Northwestern University
  • Pennsylvania State University
  • University of Michigan
  • University of Virginia

Contact Us

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Phone: 315-268-6586

有兴趣了解更多esball国际平台客户端机械工程学士学位的知识? Contact the Department today with your questions.

2023 Undergrad University Placement Rate

Clarkson team earns first place at SAE Clean Snowmobile Challenge



Learn More About the Clean Snowmobile Team

Get Ready for a Successful Career

Learn how to apply principles of engineering, 科学和数学在一个动手的环境与经验丰富的和易于访问的教师.