MS in 电al and Computer Engineering, Power Engineering Concentration

MS in 电al and Computer Engineering, Power Engineering Concentration

Advance Energy Technologies

The world wants more energy while eliminating fossil fuels. 电力消费者想要智能电网来分配电力并与家庭和企业通信, equipment and appliances and even electric cars as they recharge. How can we build energy infrastructures that meet these demands? esball国际平台客户端的电气工程理学硕士课程专注于电力工程,为您应对这些重要挑战做好准备.

Why Study Power Engineering at Clarkson?

As a graduate of our Power Engineering program, you'll develop a solid professional foundation and learn to apply advanced computer, 通信, 电子产品, control and signal processing technologies to the power industry. 我们的部门灌输了努力工作的意愿,并为包括研究和发展在内的领域做出贡献, 规划, 设计, 操作, field services and construction. We conduct cutting-edge research in our labs, such as our Smart Power Systems and Controls Laboratory. 电 power systems are moving toward the vast integration of distributed energy resources, which include renewable resources, energy storage devices and electric vehicles. 本实验室的研究重点是探索智能电力系统的先进控制和管理算法,以促进社区的可持续发展.


Our program is flexible, with hybrid, online and on-site options available.


动力工程专业的毕业生必须修满30个学分和至少6门电气工程课程, four of which are in power engineering subjects. Coursework accounts for 21-27 credits, a seminar accounts for two credits and a project accounts for one to seven credits.

You'll choose from such power engineering courses as:

  • Data Analytics for Power System Applications
  • 电介质
  • 电 Power Distribution Systems
  • Interconnection of Renewable Energy Resources to the Power System
  • Grid-Connected Renewable Energy Systems
  • Microgrid Design and Control
  • 电力系统规划
  • Power System Protection
  • 电力系统I和II

电力领域课程设置:esball国际平台客户端目前有七门esball国际app水平的电力工程课程,定期以远程形式提供.  这些课程是:

  • EE 534 Market Operation of Power Systems (even spring)
  • EE 430/530 High-Voltage Techniques and Measurements (even fall)
  • EE 537 Power System Protection (even fall)
  • EE 531 电力系统规划 (odd spring)
  • EE 532 Advanced 电 Machines (odd fall)
  • EE 533 Operation and Control of 电 Power Systems (odd spring)
  • EE 439/539 电介质 (odd fall)

The tentative semester of offerings is also included in this list. The graduate power course offerings will be updated from time to time.  但是,esball国际app权力课程的数量和开办频率将保持不变.

Courses can be selected to meet ME degree requirements, with approval of the student’s academic advisor. 远程电力学生可能感兴趣的远程ECE课程包括EE 552工程优化技术, EE 553线性系统, and EE 555 Nonlinear Systems.

esball国际平台客户端商学院为远程电力工程ME项目的学生提供了一些可能感兴趣的课程. 这些课程可能与工程课程有不同的时间表和不同的形式.  Some will be offered during the summer. Courses of interest include:

  • OS 666谈判(前提条件OS 608或OS 602免除专业电力工程硕士学位候选人.)
  • OS609  Organizational Behavior and Performance Management (requires on-campus weekend)
  • ES510/OM680  Project Management
  • EC605管理经济学(远程电力工程硕士esball国际app导师许可)
  • FN608财务管理(远程电力工程硕士esball国际app导师许可)


双编号课程:远程课程包括适合高级本科生和esball国际app的某些课程. These courses carry a senior level course number as well as a graduate level course number (i.e., EE 439/539 电介质). 在本科课程中获得本课程学分的学生不能在esball国际app课程中获得相同主题材料的学分. 然而, 能够为没有这方面背景的ME学生提供这些课程是很重要的.


学习时间表. 将安排远程课程,以便希望这样做的学生能够在2年内完成远程电力工程硕士学位. 一个典型的学习项目包括学生在每年的秋季和春季学期每学期选修两门课程, a summer business course, and completing a 1 credit hour project in the summer. Students 规划 to complete their studies in 3 years could, 例如, take 1 engineering course each fall and spring semester, a business course in each of two summers, and complete a 4 credit hour project during their final year of study.

在线课程的安排使得专注于电力工程的非全日制学生可以在两年半的时间内完成学位. A typical program of study includes one course per quarter for 10 quarters.

这个2.5年, 以队列为基础的电力工程学习计划可获得MSEE学位,并在完成整个计划后满足esball国际平台客户端电力系统工程高级证书的要求.

For students 规划 to complete their studies in three years, you'll take one engineering course each fall and spring semester, 在这个项目的两个夏天都参加商业课程,并在最后一年完成一个四学分的项目.


获得电力工程专业的电气工程硕士学位可以提升你的就业前景, creating new career opportunities and the potential for higher earnings. 今天,在经济的许多领域都需要所有的电气工程师,包括:

  • Commissioning and 操作 engineering
  • Distribution system 规划
  • High voltage engineering
  • 光伏发电
  • Power 电子产品 converter 设计
  • Power equipment and control 设计
  • Transmission system 规划
  • 风能系统

Below are common job titles for our graduates:

  • Bulk power system operator
  • 调试工程师
  • 交通拥堵的分析师
  • 咨询工程师
  • Control and protection engineer
  • Data center project manager
  • Distribution 规划 engineer
  • 电 power systems engineer
  • Market 设计 specialist
  • 电源工程师
  • Product development engineer
  • Substation 设计 engineer
  • 传输工程师



  • Avangrid / NYSEG / RGE
  • 伯恩斯 & 麦克唐奈
  • 加州ISO
  • 中央哈德逊天然气 & 电
  • CHA咨询
  • Consolidated Edison (Orange and Rockland Utilities)
  • 联合能源公司
  • 统治的能量
  • Eversource能源公司.
  • 通用电气(General 电)
  • ISO新英格兰
  • Knowles Atomic Power Lab
  • 国家电网
  • 纽约ISO
  • New York Power Authority
  • 奥康奈尔电
  • 差劲的
  • Northeast Power Systems, Inc.
  • 插电源
  • Power Engineers, Inc.
  • 西门子能源
  • 曾经的公司


合格的全日制学生可以获得有限数量的一年和/或部分一年的学费奖学金. A limited number of stipends are also available. 大多数奖学金和/或津贴与系助学金或完成硕士论文有关,作为合格申请人学习计划的一部分.

Partial tuition scholarships are also available to our part-time students,



电话: 518-631-9831

有兴趣了解更多esball国际平台客户端电气工程硕士的信息,主修电力工程? Contact the Office of esball国际app招生 today with your questions.

MSEE with a Concentration in Power Engineering Distance Learning Cohort Program

Phil Barker, the director of our Power Engineering Cohorts Program, explains our 2.5年, cohort-based MSEE program, 并在完成后符合我们的电力系统工程高级证书的要求.

