

Definition: Service animals are animals trained to assist people with disabilities in the activities of normal living. 《esball国际app》(ADA)将服务性动物定义为:...任何一只狗 individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, 包括体检, 感觉, 精神病学, 智力或其他精神残疾."


  1. 这只狗是必需的,因为它有残疾
  2. The service dog has been trained to do specific work or tasks related to the disability

如果一只狗符合这个定义, it is considered a service animal regardless of whether it has been licensed or certified as such by a state or local government or an animal training program. esball国际平台客户端 complies with the ADA in allowing use of service animals for both short-term and long-term students and employees.


导盲犬 is a carefully trained dog that serves as a travel tool for persons with severe visual impairments or who are blind or have low vision.
助听犬 一只狗是否经过训练以提醒有严重听力损失的人, 或者谁是聋子, 当出现敲门声等声音时.
服务的狗 is a dog that has been trained to assist a person who has a mobility or health impairment. 犬类的职责包括:携带, 抓取, 打开一扇门, 响了门铃, 启动电梯按钮, 使人在行走时保持稳定, 帮助跌倒的人站起来, 等. 服务犬有时被称为辅助犬.
癫痫发作应变犬 狗被训练来帮助患有癫痫的人吗. 狗如何为人服务取决于人的需要. 狗可能会在癫痫发作时守护病人,或者狗可能会寻求帮助. 一些狗能够预测癫痫发作,并提前警告人.


  1. 根据《esball国际平台客户端》, 服务性动物必须被套上, 栓着, 或系, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. 在这种情况下, 个体必须通过声音保持对动物的控制, 信号, 或者其他有效的控制措施.
  2. The handler is financially responsible for the actions of the approved service animal. These actions include bodily injury and/or property damage and handlers must take appropriate precautions to prevent injury and/or property damage. Any damage to University property caused by the service animal or above and beyond normal maintenance cleaning will be charged to the handler’s student account.
  3. 在任何时候, the cost of care and maintenance of health and well-being are the sole responsibility of the handler. Service animals must meet all local ordinances regarding vaccinations and proper licensure.
  4. 出于对他人的礼貌, as much as possible the handler should ensure that the service animal does not approach and sniff other individuals, 餐桌, 或者别人的私人物品.
  5. The handler must assure that the service animal does not block identified fire/emergency exits. 
  6. It is the handler’s responsibility to assure that the service animal does not display behaviors or noises that are deemed disruptive to others, unless said noise/behaviors are part of the needed disability service to the handler.
  7. 废物清理是处理者的唯一责任. 如果处理者身体不具备清理服务动物的能力, the handler must hire someone who is physically capable and incur the cost of such a hire. Service animal waste cleanup should include appropriate waste clean-up equipment and proper disposal of waste in an appropriate container. 合适的容器是外部容器(如.e. 垃圾桶).



  1. The service animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it. 如果不适当的动物行为反复发生, the handler may be prohibited from bringing the animal into any University facility until the handler can demonstrate that they have taken significant steps to mitigate the behavior.
  2. 服务性动物不会被宠坏.
  3. 服务性动物是一个直接的威胁. A handler may be directed to remove an animal the University determines to be a substantial and direct threat to the health and safety of individuals. 这可能是由于动物病得很重, 或者动物出现在敏感区域,比如医疗设施, 无菌的环境, 以及研究实验室.

当有正当理由要求移除服务性动物时, University staff will work with the person with the disability to obtain goods or services without the animal's presence.
Be sure to respond to inquiries from OAS regarding the animal that is required due to a disability and include what work or task the dog has been trained to perform.


就本政策而言, the University differentiates between individuals who are students or employees (long-term use of a service animal) versus visitors.

短期游客 (1-7天)是, 当然, free to use a service animal on campus and may feel free to contact the 无障碍服务办公室 with any questions or concerns.

学生 在校园使用服务性动物应该联系 无障碍服务办公室 to register their dog and discuss any accommodations appropriate to the functional limitations of the disability.

教职员工 在校园使用服务性动物应与人力资源办公室联系.


Service animals may travel freely with their handler throughout the residence halls and University property. The University may restrict the use of service animals in certain locations based on health and safety restrictions. 限制区包括, 但不限于, 以下区域:保管柜, 锅炉房, 设施设备室, 研究实验室, 有研究/示范动物的教室, 需要穿防护服的区域, 无菌的环境, 以及州法律规定的动物不能进入的区域.


Ask if the service animal is required due to a disability and that it is trained to perform work or a task.
Collect and keep on file evidence of New York State dog licensing and current health certificates.


  • Allow a service animal to accompany the handler/partner at all times and everywhere on campus.
  • Do not pet a service animal; petting a service animal when the animal is working distracts the animal from required tasks.
  • 不给服务性动物喂食. 服务性动物可能有特定的饮食要求. 不寻常的食物或意外时间的食物可能会导致动物生病.
  • 不要故意惊吓服务性动物.
  • Do not separate or attempt to separate a partner/handler from his or her service animal.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is explicit that the following animals are not considered service animals under the ADA and ADAAA:

  • Any animal besides dogs (though there is a special provision permitting miniature horses in some cases);
  • Animals that serve solely to provide a crime deterrent effect; and
  • 情感上的支持、安慰或陪伴动物.

Comfort animals are not covered by the ADA; they fall under the Fair 住房 Act (FHA) and the U.S. 住房和城市发展部的规定. Any student requesting an accommodation for an emotional support animal must submit a request through the 无障碍服务办公室. 所有的决定都是根据具体情况做出的. 根据esball国际平台客户端的政策,宠物不允许进入任何校园建筑.